Table of contents
- Example of PHP Application
- File Structure:
- config.php:
- app/models/User.php:
- app/models/Post.php:
- app/models/Comment.php:
- app/controllers/AuthController.php:
- app/controllers/PostController.php:
- app/controllers/CommentController.php:
- app/controllers/FileUploadController.php:
- app/dashboard/AnalyticsController.php:
- app/views/layout.php:
- app/views/home.php:
- app/views/all-posts.php:
- app/views/single-post.php:
- app/views/login-form.php:
- app/views/upload-form.php:
- app/views/comments.php:
- app/views/dashboard.php:
- public/index.php (Router):
Example of PHP Application
Below is a simplified example of a larger PHP application that includes user authentication, post management, file uploads, comments, a dashboard, and analytics. For a real-world scenario, consider using a PHP framework like Laravel or Symfony.
File Structure:
index.php: Entry point and router.
config.php: Configuration file for database connection and other settings.
app/: Directory for application files.
public/: Web-accessible directory.
// Database Configuration
define('DB_HOST', 'your_database_host');
define('DB_USER', 'your_database_user');
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'your_database_password');
define('DB_NAME', 'your_database_name');
define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8mb4'); // Database character set
// File Upload Configuration
define('UPLOAD_DIR', 'uploads/');
define('MAX_FILE_SIZE', 10 * 1024 * 1024); // Maximum file size in bytes (10MB)
// Caching Configuration
define('CACHE_ENABLED', true);
define('CACHE_EXPIRY_TIME', 3600); // Cache expiry time in seconds (1 hour)
// Logging Configuration
define('LOGGING_ENABLED', true);
define('LOG_FILE', 'logs/app.log');
// Third-party Integrations
define('MAILER_API_KEY', 'your_mailer_api_key');
define('ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID', 'your_analytics_tracking_id');
// Security Configuration
define('JWT_SECRET', 'your_jwt_secret');
define('CSRF_TOKEN_NAME', 'csrf_token');
define('SESSION_NAME', 'your_session_name');
define('COOKIE_SECURE', true); // Set to true if using HTTPS
// Other Configuration
define('SITE_NAME', 'My Complex App');
define('DEBUG_MODE', false); // Set to true for detailed error messages in development
// Environment Configuration
define('ENVIRONMENT', 'production'); // Options: development, testing, production
class User {
private $userId;
private $username;
private $email;
private $passwordHash;
private $roles;
private $profile;
public function __construct($userId, $username, $email, $passwordHash, $roles = [], $profile = []) {
$this->userId = $userId;
$this->username = $username;
$this->email = $email;
$this->passwordHash = $passwordHash;
$this->roles = $roles;
$this->profile = $profile;
public function getUserId() {
return $this->userId;
public function getUsername() {
return $this->username;
public function getEmail() {
return $this->email;
public function getPasswordHash() {
return $this->passwordHash;
public function getRoles() {
return $this->roles;
public function getProfile() {
return $this->profile;
public function hasRole($role) {
return in_array($role, $this->roles);
public function hasPermission($permission) {
// Implement logic to check if the user has a specific permission
// This might involve checking roles or additional user-specific permissions
return true; // Placeholder logic
public function updateProfile($newProfileData) {
// Implement logic to update user profile settings
// This could include updating the user's name, avatar, bio, etc.
$this->profile = array_merge($this->profile, $newProfileData);
// Save changes to the database or storage
public function changePassword($newPassword) {
// Implement logic to change user password
$this->passwordHash = password_hash($newPassword, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
// Save changes to the database or storage
// Additional methods for more complex user-related functionality can be added here
class Post {
private $postId;
private $title;
private $content;
private $author;
private $tags;
private $categories;
private $comments;
private $createdAt;
private $updatedAt;
public function __construct($postId, $title, $content, $author, $tags = [], $categories = [], $comments = [], $createdAt, $updatedAt) {
$this->postId = $postId;
$this->title = $title;
$this->content = $content;
$this->author = $author;
$this->tags = $tags;
$this->categories = $categories;
$this->comments = $comments;
$this->createdAt = $createdAt;
$this->updatedAt = $updatedAt;
public function getPostId() {
return $this->postId;
public function getTitle() {
return $this->title;
public function getContent() {
return $this->content;
public function getAuthor() {
return $this->author;
public function getTags() {
return $this->tags;
public function getCategories() {
return $this->categories;
public function getComments() {
return $this->comments;
public function getCreatedAt() {
return $this->createdAt;
public function getUpdatedAt() {
return $this->updatedAt;
public function addTag($tag) {
// Implement logic to add a tag to the post
$this->tags[] = $tag;
// Save changes to the database or storage
public function addCategory($category) {
// Implement logic to add a category to the post
$this->categories[] = $category;
// Save changes to the database or storage
public function addComment($comment) {
// Implement logic to add a comment to the post
$this->comments[] = $comment;
// Save changes to the database or storage
public function updateContent($newContent) {
// Implement logic to update post content
$this->content = $newContent;
// Save changes to the database or storage
// Additional methods for more complex post-related functionality can be added here
class Comment {
private $commentId;
private $content;
private $author;
private $post;
private $mentions;
private $reactions;
private $replies;
private $createdAt;
private $updatedAt;
public function __construct($commentId, $content, $author, $post, $mentions = [], $reactions = [], $replies = [], $createdAt, $updatedAt) {
$this->commentId = $commentId;
$this->content = $content;
$this->author = $author;
$this->post = $post;
$this->mentions = $mentions;
$this->reactions = $reactions;
$this->replies = $replies;
$this->createdAt = $createdAt;
$this->updatedAt = $updatedAt;
public function getCommentId() {
return $this->commentId;
public function getContent() {
return $this->content;
public function getAuthor() {
return $this->author;
public function getPost() {
return $this->post;
public function getMentions() {
return $this->mentions;
public function getReactions() {
return $this->reactions;
public function getReplies() {
return $this->replies;
public function getCreatedAt() {
return $this->createdAt;
public function getUpdatedAt() {
return $this->updatedAt;
public function addMention($mentionedUser) {
// Implement logic to add a mention in the comment
$this->mentions[] = $mentionedUser;
// Save changes to the database or storage
public function addReaction($reaction) {
// Implement logic to add a reaction to the comment
$this->reactions[] = $reaction;
// Save changes to the database or storage
public function addReply($reply) {
// Implement logic to add a reply to the comment
$this->replies[] = $reply;
// Save changes to the database or storage
public function updateContent($newContent) {
// Implement logic to update comment content
$this->content = $newContent;
// Save changes to the database or storage
// Additional methods for more complex comment-related functionality can be added here
class AuthController {
private $userService;
private $roleService;
public function __construct($userService, $roleService) {
$this->userService = $userService;
$this->roleService = $roleService;
public function login($username, $password, $twoFactorCode = null) {
// Implement login logic
$user = $this->userService->getUserByUsername($username);
if ($user && password_verify($password, $user->getPasswordHash())) {
if ($user->isTwoFactorEnabled() && !$twoFactorCode) {
// Two-factor authentication is enabled but code is not provided
// Redirect to 2FA page or send 2FA code to the user
return '2FA_REQUIRED';
} elseif ($user->isTwoFactorEnabled() && $twoFactorCode && !$this->verifyTwoFactorCode($user, $twoFactorCode)) {
// Two-factor authentication code is invalid
return 'INVALID_2FA_CODE';
// Login successful
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user->getUserId();
// Add additional logic based on user roles
// Redirect to dashboard or home page
header('Location: /dashboard');
// Login failed
public function logout() {
// Implement logout logic
// Redirect to login page
header('Location: /login');
private function verifyTwoFactorCode($user, $code) {
// Implement logic to verify two-factor authentication code
// This might involve using a library or sending the code to an external service
return true; // Placeholder logic
private function handleUserRoles($user) {
// Implement logic to manage user roles
$roles = $this->roleService->getUserRoles($user->getUserId());
foreach ($roles as $role) {
// Add role-based permissions or actions
switch ($role->getRoleName()) {
case 'admin':
// Add admin-specific logic
case 'editor':
// Add editor-specific logic
// Add more roles as needed
// Additional methods for more complex authentication-related functionality can be added here
class PostController {
private $postService;
private $categoryService;
private $tagService;
private $userService;
public function __construct($postService, $categoryService, $tagService, $userService) {
$this->postService = $postService;
$this->categoryService = $categoryService;
$this->tagService = $tagService;
$this->userService = $userService;
public function showAllPosts() {
// Implement logic to retrieve and display all posts
$posts = $this->postService->getAllPosts();
// Render view with posts data
public function showSinglePost($postId) {
// Implement logic to retrieve and display a single post
$post = $this->postService->getPostById($postId);
// Render view with post data
public function createPost($title, $content, $categoryId, $tagNames, $userId, $imageFile) {
// Implement logic to create a new post
// Validate and handle file upload for post image
$imageFileName = $this->handleFileUpload($imageFile);
// Create post
$postId = $this->postService->createPost($title, $content, $categoryId, $userId, $imageFileName);
// Add tags to the post
$tagNames = explode(',', $tagNames);
foreach ($tagNames as $tagName) {
$tag = $this->tagService->getOrCreateTag($tagName);
$this->postService->addTagToPost($postId, $tag->getTagId());
// Redirect to the newly created post
header("Location: /post/{$postId}");
public function updatePost($postId, $title, $content, $categoryId, $tagNames, $imageFile) {
// Implement logic to update an existing post
// Validate and handle file upload for post image
$imageFileName = $this->handleFileUpload($imageFile);
// Update post
$this->postService->updatePost($postId, $title, $content, $categoryId, $imageFileName);
// Update tags for the post
$tagNames = explode(',', $tagNames);
foreach ($tagNames as $tagName) {
$tag = $this->tagService->getOrCreateTag($tagName);
$this->postService->addTagToPost($postId, $tag->getTagId());
// Redirect to the updated post
header("Location: /post/{$postId}");
public function deletePost($postId) {
// Implement logic to delete a post
// Redirect to the home page or a post list page
header("Location: /");
private function handleFileUpload($file) {
// Implement logic to handle file uploads (e.g., images for posts)
// This might include validation, generating a unique file name, and moving the file to a designated directory
$targetDir = 'uploads/';
$targetFile = $targetDir . basename($file['name']);
move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $targetFile);
return $targetFile;
// Additional methods for more complex post-related functionality can be added here
class CommentController {
private $commentService;
private $userService;
public function __construct($commentService, $userService) {
$this->commentService = $commentService;
$this->userService = $userService;
public function showComments($postId) {
// Implement logic to retrieve and display comments for a post
$comments = $this->commentService->getCommentsForPost($postId);
// Render view with comments data
public function addComment($postId, $parentId, $content, $authorId) {
// Implement logic to add a comment to a post
// Create comment
$commentId = $this->commentService->addComment($postId, $parentId, $content, $authorId);
// Add mentions to the comment
$mentionedUsers = $this->extractMentions($content);
foreach ($mentionedUsers as $mentionedUser) {
$user = $this->userService->getUserByUsername($mentionedUser);
if ($user) {
$this->commentService->addMentionToComment($commentId, $user->getUserId());
// Redirect to the post or the updated comment section
header("Location: /post/{$postId}#comment-{$commentId}");
public function editComment($commentId, $content) {
// Implement logic to edit a comment
$this->commentService->editComment($commentId, $content);
// Redirect to the post or the updated comment section
header("Location: /post/{$postId}#comment-{$commentId}");
public function deleteComment($commentId) {
// Implement logic to delete a comment
// Redirect to the post or the updated comment section
header("Location: /post/{$postId}");
private function extractMentions($content) {
// Implement logic to extract user mentions from comment content
// This could involve regular expressions or other methods
preg_match_all('/@(\w+)/', $content, $matches);
return $matches[1];
// Additional methods for more complex comment-related functionality can be added here
class FileUploadController {
private $uploadService;
public function __construct($uploadService) {
$this->uploadService = $uploadService;
public function handleUpload($files) {
// Implement logic to handle file uploads
foreach ($files['upload'] as $file) {
// Validate the file
if (!$this->validateFile($file)) {
// Handle invalid file (e.g., show error message)
// Generate a unique filename
$uniqueFilename = $this->generateUniqueFilename($file['name']);
// Move the file to the designated directory
$targetDirectory = 'uploads/';
$targetFile = $targetDirectory . $uniqueFilename;
move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $targetFile);
// Save file information to the database or perform other actions
$this->uploadService->saveFileDetails($file['name'], $uniqueFilename, $file['size'], $file['type']);
// Additional logic for file processing can be added here
// Redirect or display success message
header('Location: /uploads');
private function validateFile($file) {
// Implement logic to validate the file
// For example, check file type, size, or perform custom validation
$allowedTypes = ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'application/pdf'];
$maxFileSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10MB
if (!in_array($file['type'], $allowedTypes) || $file['size'] > $maxFileSize) {
return false;
return true;
private function generateUniqueFilename($originalFilename) {
// Implement logic to generate a unique filename
$extension = pathinfo($originalFilename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$uniqueFilename = uniqid() . '.' . $extension;
return $uniqueFilename;
// Additional methods for more complex file-related functionality can be added here
class AnalyticsController {
private $analyticsService;
public function __construct($analyticsService) {
$this->analyticsService = $analyticsService;
public function showDashboard() {
// Implement logic to retrieve and display analytics data
// Example: Retrieve overall site statistics
$overallStats = $this->analyticsService->getOverallStats();
// Example: Retrieve user-specific analytics
$userId = $_SESSION['user_id']; // Assuming user is logged in
$userStats = $this->analyticsService->getUserStats($userId);
// Example: Retrieve analytics for a specific time period
$startDate = '2023-01-01';
$endDate = '2023-12-31';
$periodStats = $this->analyticsService->getPeriodStats($startDate, $endDate);
// Example: Retrieve analytics by category
$categoryStats = $this->analyticsService->getCategoryStats();
// Example: Perform data aggregation or manipulation
$aggregatedData = $this->aggregateData($overallStats, $userStats, $periodStats, $categoryStats);
// Example: Pass data to a view for rendering
// You may use a template engine or framework to handle views
$viewData = [
'overallStats' => $overallStats,
'userStats' => $userStats,
'periodStats' => $periodStats,
'categoryStats' => $categoryStats,
'aggregatedData' => $aggregatedData,
// Render the analytics dashboard view
$this->renderView('analytics/dashboard.php', $viewData);
private function aggregateData($overallStats, $userStats, $periodStats, $categoryStats) {
// Implement logic to aggregate or manipulate analytics data
// This could involve combining data from different sources, calculating averages, etc.
$aggregatedData = [];
// Example: Combine overall and user-specific stats
$aggregatedData['combinedStats'] = array_merge($overallStats, $userStats);
// Example: Calculate average values for the period
$aggregatedData['averageValues'] = $this->calculateAverageValues($periodStats);
// Example: Group category stats by a specific criteria
$aggregatedData['groupedCategoryStats'] = $this->groupCategoryStats($categoryStats);
return $aggregatedData;
private function calculateAverageValues($periodStats) {
// Implement logic to calculate average values from period stats
// This is just a placeholder; adjust based on your actual data structure
$averageValues = [];
foreach ($periodStats as $stat) {
$averageValues[] = array_map(function ($value) {
return array_sum($value) / count($value);
}, $stat);
return $averageValues;
private function groupCategoryStats($categoryStats) {
// Implement logic to group category stats by a specific criteria
// This is just a placeholder; adjust based on your actual data structure
$groupedStats = [];
foreach ($categoryStats as $stat) {
$groupedStats[$stat['group']][] = $stat;
return $groupedStats;
private function renderView($viewPath, $data) {
// Implement logic to render a view
// This could involve using a template engine or framework
include $viewPath;
// Additional methods for more complex analytics-related functionality can be added here
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title><?= SITE_NAME ?></title>
<!-- Implement header -->
<h1><?= SITE_NAME ?></h1>
<!-- Implement navigation -->
<li><a href="index.php">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="index.php?action=showAllPosts">All Posts</a></li>
<li><a href="index.php?action=login">Login</a></li>
<li><a href="index.php?action=showDashboard">Dashboard</a></li>
<!-- Content will be dynamically inserted here -->
<?php include $contentView; ?>
<!-- Implement footer -->
<p>© <?= date('Y') ?> <?= SITE_NAME ?></p>
// Home page content
<h2>Welcome to <?= SITE_NAME ?></h2>
<p>Explore the features of our content management system.</p>
// All posts page content
<h2>All Posts</h2>
<!-- Implement logic to display a list of all posts -->
// Single post page content
<h2>Single Post</h2>
<!-- Implement logic to display the content of a single post -->
// Login form
<!-- Implement login form -->
// File upload form
<h2>File Upload</h2>
<!-- Implement file upload form -->
// Comments section
<!-- Implement logic to display and add comments -->
// Dashboard content
<!-- Implement logic to display analytics data and other dashboard features -->
require_once '../config.php';
$action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : 'home';
$contentView = '';
// Implement autoloading or include classes manually
require_once '../app/controllers/AuthController.php';
require_once '../app/controllers/PostController.php';
require_once '../app/controllers/CommentController.php';
require_once '../app/controllers/FileUploadController.php';
require_once '../app/dashboard/AnalyticsController.php';
$user = new User();
$postController = new PostController();
$commentController = new CommentController();
$fileUploadController = new FileUpload
$analyticsController = new AnalyticsController();
switch ($action) {
case 'home':
$contentView = '../app/views/home.php';
case 'showAllPosts':
$contentView = '../app/views/all-posts.php';
case 'showSinglePost':
$postId = isset($_GET['postId']) ? $_GET['postId'] : null;
$contentView = '../app/views/single-post.php';
case 'login':
$authController = new AuthController();
$contentView = '../app/views/login-form.php';
case 'showDashboard':
$contentView = '../app/views/dashboard.php';
// Handle other actions or show a default page
include '../app/views/layout.php';
In a real-world scenario, consider using a PHP framework like Laravel or Symfony to handle routing, database interactions, and other common tasks. This example provides a basic structure, and you can expand and refactor it based on your specific requirements and the complexity of your application.